Academic Projects

Minilingual: A Second Language Learning Application

With the rise of global communication being bilingual is becoming more and more common. However, many of the language teaching systems aren’t dynamic to each users learning style. We propose MiniLingual which is a real time dynamic system for teaching second languages. Our system uses a back end application that provides context as well categorization for the specific words. With the words stored the artificial intelligence helps the users by producing difficult quizzes based on many factors. Our studies have shown that users understood our system’s feedback for language categorization and provided great feedback for the user’s assessments.

AGAR:Augmented Reality Environment Navigation System

Unfamiliar circumstances is a term used as reference for situations where people faces something new or lacks of the necessary knowledge to decide how to react. This kind of situation can be caused by differences among time or place where the subject is currently located. Unfamiliar situations caused by time are unpredictable, but the lack of knowledge caused by standing on a new environment can be easily solved by acquiring information about the new place where the subject currently is. However, finding the necessary information to get familiar with the new environment could present many issues depending on how available this information is and what kind of medium the user has to get it.

We present findings from field trials of AgAR about how Augmented Reality can affects the way people observe their surroundings. AgAR, an augmented reality mobile application, as a solution for unfamiliar situations caused by the lack of knowledge about the environment. AgAR uses geo located objects to store relevant information about the user’s environment and renders it overlapping camera information while the users get close to it. The main finding is that Augmented Reality can affects user’s experience by 1. Providing better mapping between information and the object. 2. Making people better informed by providing the information and location at the same time. 3. Reducing cognitive load by making information context situated.The main potential of AgAR lies in multiple fields including touring, new environment exploration and social media.

ParaSketch:GPU Parallel Machine Learning Algorithm For Sketches

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Research Projects

PTSD Helper:

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Smart Nursing Stress:

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Smart Nursing Light:

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Personal Projects